Processing Domestic Waste to Preserve The Citarum River

Mengolah Limbah Domestik untuk Menjaga Kelestarian Sungai Citarum

TRIBUNJAKARTA.COM, JAKARTA – Head of Center for community service at Mercu Buana University, Dr Inge Hutagalung, said that the University of Mercu Buana since 2018 has actively assisted the Government in implementing the Citarum Harum program.

It was seen by doing various activities of devotion to the community related to the processing of waste, organic and non organic.

“In 2019 this year, the University of Mercu Buana again assisted the Citarum Harum program through domestic waste treatment activities, ” said Inge Hutagalung in his description, Tuesday (5/11/2019).

Furthermore, it was confirmed by Inge Hutagalung that through activities are expected to grow a clean culture and public awareness in an effort to maintain the ecosystem and hygiene of the Citarum River environment.
Known, Citarum River is the longest river in the province of West Java.

The condition of Citarum River is very concern and belongs to the dirtiest river in the world.

Recognizing that the preservation of the Citarum River, which is the longest and largest river in West Java, is the responsibility of all people living in West Java, in 2018 issued by the Presidential Regulation (PERPRES) Number 15 year 2018 on acceleration control of pollution and destruction of Citarum River basin.

Since it was proclaimed in 2018, the Citarum Harum program was implemented by involving the academic school of higher education.

The University of Mercu Buana through the activities of community dedication back in the year 2019 has conducted a series of activities related to domestic waste processors.

The activity is done in Sukamulya Hamlet, Anggadita Village, Klari subdistrict, Karawang Timur, involving the participation of 30 mothers.

The activities provided are the manufacture of decorative lamps of the used spoon and tissue from the waste perca.

This article has aired on with the title of processing domestic waste to preserve the Citarum River,

Editor: Muhammad Zulfikar