Through UMB application, Ponpes Riyadhusholihiin digitized

Melalui Aplikasi Karya UMB, Ponpes Riyadhusholihiin Terdigitalisasi

In today’s digital age, the educational world is also required to keep up with the times. Included in boarding school.

Called to this problem, the University of Mercu Buana through a Masters in Accounting courses digitize the Pondok Pesantren Riyadhussholihiin in Rocek Cimanuk, Pandeglang, Banten. “The team that I have lodged submitted a proposal to the Ministry of Health to participate in the grant of community devotion with the scheme of Community Partnership Program (PKM), ” said Hari Setiyawati, chairman of PKM Pondok Pesantren Riyadhussholihiin in Jakarta.

The activities that took place from March to July 14, 2019 shot three main things. First, digitize the academic information system of the ponpes. Secondly, transformation from the manual to the online accounting and finance system.

“We compiled a system of academic information and accounting information systems. Outside of digitisation, the team from UMB also conducted a test of students from SMP and SMA as much as 126 students on 20 May, by the psychologist team of Mercu Buana University, “said the day that is also the chairman of the Master of Accounting course.

It is further said that the preparation of accounting information system uses Zahir Accounting program. This activity involves the Treasurer, accounting, finance, and administration sections. “The system that was realized in the form of the application was released on July 12, with a training course. The academic information system was launched on 14 July and assisted by PKM team Sarwati Rahayu and the programmers Vive Vio Permana from the facility UMB. In addition to lecturers, the PKM team also involved the students of Accounting masters, Mahroji and Nafisa Luthfia Augesty from UMB psychology, “said Hari Setiyawati.

Asked what is the importance of digitisation accounting in the ponpes, he said, the boarding school Riyadhussholihiin leader Ustaz Fachruddin Nu’man LC has a great asset. Similarly, the number of Santrinya is more than 1,000 people in total.

“Adequate facilities with an area of about 4.2 hectares (ha), have 32 classrooms and 60 dormitory rooms. This all requires control and it is difficult to do manually, “he explained.

During this SPP payment control is done manually. This condition is troublesome for the regent and the staff of the financial administration in Ponpes. “Now the trustee is simply upload the proof of payment, later in the system there is a notification that nge-link with the financial part which means already paid SPP. Once the Guardian has to relate directly to the finance or treasurer to tell if They have paid their son SPP, “he explained.

So is the academic information system. Previously, the mayor could not monitor the activities or achievements of his son in the Ponpes. “What is the value of his daily, tests, who is his guardian, who is his guardian, who is his Halaqoh teacher, and others. But with the academic application built by UMB PKM team, they can be monitored. The point of this system facilitates information and communication for teachers and students.

The test of talent performed against the students is very beneficial for students, teachers and the guardians of students. Because it can be known to where the students ‘ talents. By known talent, teachers and guardians can hone the talent and prepare it from now, the origin is not contrary to the creed and principles of Syar’i.

Tips to market products effectively with Interpersonal communication

Most of the communication activities done in the promotion are done through inter-private communication. Effective interpersonal communication will greatly help the promotion of a product and prevent the occurrence of misunderstandings between producers and consumers.

Interpersonal communication as a form of behavior, can change from very effective to very ineffective. One time the communication can deteriorate and other times it can be better.

Recognizing the importance of this, the Master of Communication Sciences University of MERCU Buana held activities to increase the potential of the traditional weaving fabrics industry of the mother Village Kanekes, Lebak in mid-July 2019.

On socialization activities in addition to being given knowledge related to the role of interpersonal communication in promotional activities, also conducted promotion simulation conducted by mothers.

“Through socialization is expected of traditional weaving craftsmen mothers Kanekes Village, Lebak, will be more aware of the role of interpersonal communication related to promotion, understand the effective dimensions of interpersonal communication, and how to conduct persuasion and promotion through Interpersonal, “said the head of the Center for Community Service at the University of Mercu Buana Dr. Inge Hutagalung, M.Si, Thursday (18/7/2019).

He said the role of communication in the marketing of a product is absolutely absolute. Promotions are all kinds of marketing communications designed to inform customers about products or services and influence purchasing certain goods or services.

UMB’s Lecturer and Student Training Children’s Scavenger, Street and Buskers about Multimedia

Lecturer and Student team of Mercu Buana University trains scavenger children, buskers, and street children in Smart Room (Bilpin) Jakarta, to learn Multimedia starting from the basic computer use, simple application, to the level application such as coding games and website creation.

The smart Room is located in Kampung Gasong Menteng over Jakarta Selatan, right in the tomb area just behind the city of Cassablaka Mall Jakarta.

Anak-anak Pemulung

Children of Scavenger, street and Multimedia learning with UMB team of lecturers and students

Here there are about 40 school-age children dropouts and turn into buskers and scavenger and become street children without good mentoring to grow.

The community service activities of this college will take place over the next 10 months.

Lecturers and students involved in this activity is Eugenius Kau Suni as the chief executive, Wawan Ridwan and Edward Juanda as members of the team PKM, as well as three students Haidar Ilham Maulana, Khairul Arifin, and Wahyu Rifo.

They will train the children in this Gasong village so they are eager to return to school.

For general, they dropped out of school at ELEMENTARY, JUNIOR High, and HIGH school. His economic and low difficulty in learning interest became the main cause of dropouts.

“We hope children can get to know the education, without having to think the cost. Children can get to know the multimedia world according to age. We provide knowledge on how to design, use computer software. “said EGi Suni, lecturer of Yunaenah

The attendance of the team from Mercu Buana tries to help this street child to keep learning opportunities, including learning Multimedia as a science that is very popular with children today.

In addition to informatics science, during the next 10 months, will also be trained in broadcasting science such as shooting techniques and video editing.

The plan of the team from Mercu Buana with the help of grants Dikti will prepare a computer editing tool that will be submitted to Bilpin as a means of learning for children in the village Gasong.